It only uses the example_func, so if that is affected, then the
registration will be off. In general, you should not use freesurfer with
data you have non-linearly registered with some template. The freesurfer
intersubject registration itself is non-linear.
Georg Homola wrote:
Hi Doug!
May be a very basic question for better understanding, but how much does
reg-feat2anat care about the FSL preprocessing e.g. dewarping? And
especially important for me, does it make a difference if you FNIRT or FLIRT
on first level? Is it a good idea to process non-linearly registered
subjects with reg-feat2anat? In other words: is anat2exf.register.dat
actually affected by FEAT preprocessing output (warp field and
transformation matrices), or not at all?
Many thanks in advance
Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422
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