Hi Lars
There is no atlas more accurate than the other one ; they just differ in
anatomical convention.
In fact the difference between the 2 nomenclatures comes from the
definition of the parcellation:
- Rahul used a gyral based atlas : ie a gyrus was defined as running
between the bottoms of 2 adjacent sulci.
- I used a different parcellation that first divided the cortex in gyral
and sulcal, the limit between both being given by the curvature value of
the surface. This technique provides a more complex parcellation, since
sulcal labels were added to gyral ones
In other words:
* In my atlas, a gyrus only includes the cortex visible on the pial
view, the hidden cortex (banks of sulci) are marked sulcus
* in Rahul's: a gyrus includes the part visible on the pial view +
adjacent banks of the sulci limiting this gyrus
Your ROI mainly belongs to the cingulate sulcus, cingulate gyrus and
pericallosal sulcus in my atlas. In Rahul's, since sulcal labels are
"included" in gyri:
* the superior bank of cingulate sulcus is transfered to superior
frontal gyrus, and its inferior bank is transfered to the
cingulate gyrus
* similarly, the inferior bank of pericallosal sulcus is transfered
to corpus callosum and its superior one is transfered to the
cingulate gyrus
I hope that my explanations are clear enough ;
PS a new version of my atlas should be available soon with subdivision
of the cingulate sulcus and gyrus according to the one proposed by voogt
and al
I just mapped these on the fsaverage lh.inflated. By images of the
folding patterns, do you mean pial or smoothwm images from fsaverage?
Or do you mean data from single subjects?
> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 08:01:31 -0400
> From: fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> To: lari...@gmail.com
> CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu; destri...@med.univ-tours.fr;
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Destrieux or Desikan/Ron Killiany
> Hi Lars,
> you need to send images of the folding patterns for Christophe and
> to decide.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Tue, 10 Mar 2009, Lars M. Rimol wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have an area of significance on the mesial surface of the hemisphere
> > (please see attached tiffs). I would like to know if it is
exclusively in
> > the cingulate or in cingulate and SFG. The prolbem is that the two
> > don't agree. The upper more than half of this significant area is
in SFG
> > according to lh.aparc.annot and in cingulate gyrus and sulcus
according to
> > lh.aparc.a2005s.annot.
> >
> > I know there have been some issues before with cingulate and SFG
in the
> > Destrieux atals (
> >
> > but it's unlcear to me whether these have been resolved. As you
can see from
> > the tiffs, in lh.aparc.annot the significant area is inside the corpus
> > callosum (a small part), caudal and rostral ant. cingulate, and
> > lh.aparc.a2005s.annot it is inside pericallosal sulcus, g.
cingulate main
> > part, s. cingulate main part, and only a very small part of it
extends into
> > SFG.
> > These are substantially different interpretations. Is one atlas more
> > accurate in this region?
> >
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> >
Christophe Destrieux
Laboratoire d'Anatomie - Faculté de Médecine - 10 Bd Tonnellé
37032 Tours - France
tel (33) 2 47 36 61 36 - fax (33) 2 47 36 62 07
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