Hi Lars,

>From looking at the images you sent, your area of interest is clearly in
the anterior portion of the cingulate gyrus as well as in the medial
portion of the superior frontal gyrus (as well as a small portion in the
corpus callosum). I think both atlases agree on this quite consistently.

Hope this helps.



Rahul S. Desikan

> Hi,
> I have an area of significance on the mesial surface of the hemisphere
> (please see attached tiffs). I would like to know if it is exclusively in
> the cingulate or in cingulate and SFG. The prolbem is that the two atlases
> don't agree. The upper more than half of this significant area is in SFG
> according to lh.aparc.annot and in cingulate gyrus and sulcus according to
> lh.aparc.a2005s.annot.
> I know there have been some issues before with cingulate and SFG in the
> Destrieux atals (
> http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg05399.html)
> but it's unlcear to me whether these have been resolved. As you can see
> from
> the tiffs, in lh.aparc.annot the significant area is inside the corpus
> callosum (a small part), caudal and rostral ant. cingulate, and SFG. In
> lh.aparc.a2005s.annot it is inside pericallosal sulcus, g. cingulate main
> part, s. cingulate main part, and only a very small part of it extends
> into
> SFG.
> These are substantially different interpretations. Is one atlas more
> accurate in this region?
> Thank you!
> --
> yours,
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