
Given the recent debate on the accuracy of the eICV in FS, I am wondering
what to cite when using these measures. Do you prefer

Whole Brain Segmentation: Automated Labeling of Neuroanatomical Structures
in the Human Brain, Fischl, B., D.H. Salat, E. Busa, M. Albert, M.
Dieterich, C. Haselgrove, A. van der Kouwe, R. Killiany, D. Kennedy, S.
Klaveness, A. Montillo, N. Makris, B. Rosen, and A.M. Dale, (2002).
Neuron, 33:341-355.

or is there a better choice?

   Here miracles become marvels, and
   marvels recurring wonders.
       -- William Beebe

   Dr. Glenn Lawyer
   +352 661 967 244
   Instituttgruppe for psykiatri
   Seksjon Vinderen
   PB 85 Vinderen
   0319 Oslo

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