Sorry, don't know anything about those commands. You're probably better off registering the functional data directly to the anatomical (fslregister or spmregister) rather than going thru the talairach transform. You can then use mri_vol2vol to map the functional to the anatomical, then mri_segstats to exctract the average functional value (or you can probably use the afni command at that point).


Liat Levita wrote:

Hello Doug, I transformed the aseg_m file to be 3x3x3.
I will try and trouble shot the possible error in that transform-

The AFNI steps I used to transform the freesurfer files to AFNI format, and 
than to be 3x3x3 are pasted below.


foreach subj (xxx)

@SUMA_Make_Spec_FS -sid ${subj}


@SUMA_AlignToExperiment \
-exp_anat /Volumes/cbgb/Liat/freesurfer_subjects/${subj}/SUMA/${subj}_anat+orig 
/Volumes/cbgb/Liat/freesurfer_subjects/${subj}/SUMA/${subj}_SurfVol+orig \
-wd \
-prefix ${subj}_AlignExp

#step 3: To align a given parcellation file

3dWarp -NN -matparent ${subj}_AlignExp+orig -prefix ${subj}_aseg_m aseg.nii

#step 4: I transformed the  functional data set by the  talairch transform 
obtained  for the anatomical data, and then which was resampled to a 3x3x3 
space during this step.

@auto_tlrc -apar ${subj}_anat_at+tlrc -input 
${subj}_FC_Seed_aseg_fs_AMY_stats_ni_pi_Final+orig -dxyz 3 -suffix _at3


----- Original Message -----
From: Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, July 28, 2008 1:07 pm
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] AFNI /freesurfer aseg files problem

I would suspect that something happened when you converted to afni format. The aseg starts out at 1mm3, 256^3, but it appears to be 3mm3, 54x64x50. These conversions are quit tricky and easy to get wrong. Also, did you check the aseg.stats file to assure that the volumes of the amyg are more-or-less symetrical?


R-to-L extent: -79.500 [R] -to- 79.500 [L] -step- 3.000 mm [ 54 voxels] A-to-P extent: -79.500 [A] -to- 109.500 [P] -step- 3.000 mm [ 64 voxels] I-to-S extent: -63.500 [I] -to- 83.500 [S] -step- 3.000 mm [ 50 voxels]

Liat Levita wrote:

Hi Doug, I just checked, yes they are.


PS. I attached the Info files to this message.

----- Original Message -----
From: Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, July 28, 2008 12:16 pm
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] AFNI /freesurfer aseg files problem

are you sure that t1rc and pscA are the same dimension? Remember, freesurfer resamples everything into 1mm3, 256^3


Liat Levita wrote:

Hello, I wonder if anyone using AFNI converted freesurfer files has
across this problem (or can tell me if I making an error
that I am just not seeing right now). I posted the same question
the AFNI board but haven't gotten feedback as yet.
Here is the problem:

After using freesurfer to get subcortical segmentations, I
converted the resulting freesurfer files to AFNI format, which
fine - I had no problems doing that. However, when I try use
subcortical segmentation data files (subjectID_aseg_m_at3+tlrc)
masks to pull put PSC signal from each region of interest, I am getting an odd effect of right versus left; whereby left clusters output is fine ( voxel numbers are correct after 3dmaskave), but for the left it is very wrong. I have checked that the labels of the ROIs I am using are correct on AFNI GUI and they are. (code
output below)
I am a bit at a loss; any help will be much appreciated.

AFNI Code used
Foreach subj (xxx)
foreach cluster (18 54) 3dmaskave -q -mask ${subj}_aseg_m_at3+tlrc -mrange ${cluster}
${cluster} \
"${subj}_all_runs_pscA_at3+tlrc" >

Output (get the same odd voxel output from all right hand side
the brain freesurfer generated ROIs)
*For cluster 18 Left Amygdala
++ 3dmaskave: AFNI version=AFNI_2008_02_01_1144 (Jul 3 2008) [32-
bit]>>>+++ 37 voxels survive the mask
*For cluster 54 Right Amygdala
++ 3dmaskave: AFNI version=AFNI_2008_02_01_1144 (Jul 3 2008) [32-
bit]>>>+++ 200 voxels survive the mask

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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422

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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422

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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422

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