I wonder if anyone using AFNI converted freesurfer files has come across this 
problem (or can tell me if I making an error somewhere that I am just not 
seeing right now). I posted the same question on the AFNI board but haven't 
gotten feedback as yet.

Here is the problem:

After using freesurfer to get subcortical segmentations, I converted the 
resulting freesurfer files to AFNI format, which was fine - I had no problems 
doing that. However, when I try use these subcortical segmentation data files 
(subjectID_aseg_m_at3+tlrc) as masks to pull put PSC signal from each region of 
interest, I am getting an odd effect of right versus left; whereby left 
clusters output is fine ( voxel numbers are correct after 3dmaskave), but for 
the left it is very wrong. I have checked that the labels of the ROIs I am 
using are correct on AFNI GUI and they are. (code and output below)

I am a bit at a loss; any help will be much appreciated. 


AFNI Code used
Foreach subj (xxx)
foreach cluster (18 54) 
3dmaskave -q -mask ${subj}_aseg_m_at3+tlrc -mrange ${cluster} ${cluster} \
"${subj}_all_runs_pscA_at3+tlrc" > ${subj}_fsROI_PSC_cluster_${cluster}.1D 

Output (get the same odd voxel output from all right hand side of the brain 
freesurfer generated ROIs)
*For cluster 18 Left Amygdala
++ 3dmaskave: AFNI version=AFNI_2008_02_01_1144 (Jul 3 2008) [32-bit]
+++ 37 voxels survive the mask

*For cluster 54 Right Amygdala
++ 3dmaskave: AFNI version=AFNI_2008_02_01_1144 (Jul 3 2008) [32-bit]
+++ 200 voxels survive the mask

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