
One thing to try is to make sure that your volumes look ok.  There is a
tutorial here:

You don't need to download the tutorial data to follow it, just
substitute the subject 'bert' which is distributed in the
freesurfer/subjects directory, as the example of good output.

You can also send me the subject data in a tarball to this email drop:


On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 15:42 +0200, Martin Kavec wrote:
> On Monday 09 June 2008 21:57:36 Bruce Fischl wrote:
> > I guess it's possible but the -make switch is designed to prevent this. Are
> > the surfaces topologically incorrect? What is the euler number for them?
> Bruce, this depends on at which point the topology fixing was interrupted. 
> For 
> this thread I reported a case with 64 defects. I am running the recon-all 
> followed by LGI once again to see whether it will pass. I will make sure that 
> the fixer is not interrupted. I'll let you know. "-make" option may not 
> possibly handle interruption of the fixer correctly?
> Thanks,
> Martin
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