Hi Mike,
I think it is the case. Sorry, I haven't been following this thread. Do
you find situations in which the corrected surfaces have the wrong
On Mon, 9 Jun 2008, Michael Harms wrote:
Here is a related question prompted by this thread, perhaps based on a
misconception on my part:
I was under the impression that you are guaranteed to get surfaces with
an euler number of 2 under the "new" topology fixer of version 4 (which
runs by default if the "old" fixer does not initially yield surfaces
with an euler number of 2).
Is that not in fact the case?
thanks for clarifying,
Mike H.
On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 20:32 +0200, Martin Kavec wrote:
Hi Maria,
On Monday 09 June 2008 15:00:10 Marie Schaer wrote:
Which version of freesurfer did you use to generate the surfaces?
with the latest one, 4.0.4
Because the number of topological defects in your surface (64) is very
high. You may have to relaunch the surfaces (orig and pial) to get
better surfaces (i.e. 0 defect).
Thanks, I'll do that!
Lgi often fail if there are defects, sometimes it will pass if you
relaunch it, but if there are numerous defects the algorithm is not
able to cope with it.
That's a nice check whether there are still any topological defects left. As
you say, in more than 50% of my cases LGI fails.
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