
sorry to bother the mailinglist again, but i haven't received a response to
this question. i just wanted to make sure that it hadn't slipped through the
cracks. any help would be very much appreciated,


On 6/1/07, Emily Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


i am having a strange problem with mri_surfcluster.

i give it the following command line:
mri_surfcluster --in
--subject fsaverage --hemi lh --thmin 0.5 --thmax 1.0 --sign pos --minarea
6 --sum

and i get this result in the summary:
# Cluster Growing Summary (mri_surfcluster)
# $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 2006/07/13 17:50:28 greve Exp $
# $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.441.2.5 2006/11/29 20:28:16 nicks Exp $
# CreationTime 2007/06/01-19:04:15-GMT
# cmdline mri_surfcluster --in
--subject fsaverage --hemi lh --thmin 0.5 --thmax 1.0 --sign pos --minarea
6 --sum
# cwd /disks/gpfs/fmri/emily.permutations/correlation.permutations
# sysname  Linux
# hostname andrew.bsd.uchicago.edu
# machine  i686
# FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
# Input

# Frame Number      0
# srcsubj fsaverage
# hemi lh
# surface white
# SUBJECTS_DIR /home/ecooper/subjects
# Minimum Threshold 0.5
# Maximum Threshold 1
# Threshold Sign    pos
# AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1
# Area Threshold    6 mm^2
# Overall max 0.632052 at vertex 5494
# Overall min 0.12689 at vertex 750
# NClusters          2
# Total Cortical Surface Area 70394.7 (mm^2)
# FixMNI = 1
# ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZ    NVtxs
   1        0.632    5494  85426.29    -50.2  -16.0   -7.2  161181
   2        0.223    9300     23.61    -31.7  -26.7    9.9    68

the problem is that this is just entirely incorrect. when i view the input
dataset in tksurfer, it's clear just from scanning over the vertices that
161181 out of 163842 total of them do not have intensity values between .5
and 1 (thmin and thmx), let alone in a giant cluster together. furthermore,
when i make a historgram of a text file containing these intensity values,
it shows that the majority of them are less than .5, and thus shouldn't be
recognized as part of a cluster based on my specifications in the
mri_surfcluster command:

 [1] -0.10 -0.05  0.00  0.05  0.10  0.15  0.20  0.25  0.30  0.35  0.40
[13]  0.50  0.55  0.60  0.65  0.70  0.75  0.80  0.85  0.90  0.95  1.00

 [1]    10   205  1320  3881  7834 12333 16777 20168 21369 20405 17219
[13] 10453  7479  4897  2988  1599   737   283    81    14     1

 [1] 0.0012206880 0.0250241086 0.1611308456 0.4737490997 0.9562871547
 [6] 1.5054747867 2.0479486334 2.4618840102 2.6084886659 2.4908143211
[11] 2.1019030529 1.6832069921 1.2759854006 0.9129527227 0.5977710233
[16] 0.3647416413 0.1951880470 0.0899647221 0.0345454767 0.0098875746
[21] 0.0017089635 0.0001220688

 [1] 0.0012206880 0.0250241086 0.1611308456 0.4737490997 0.9562871547
 [6] 1.5054747867 2.0479486334 2.4618840102 2.6084886659 2.4908143211
[11] 2.1019030529 1.6832069921 1.2759854006 0.9129527227 0.5977710233
[16] 0.3647416413 0.1951880470 0.0899647221 0.0345454767 0.0098875746
[21] 0.0017089635 0.0001220688

 [1] -0.075 -0.025  0.025  0.075  0.125  0.175  0.225  0.275  0.325  0.375
[11]  0.425  0.475  0.525  0.575  0.625  0.675  0.725   0.775  0.825
[21]  0.925  0.975

any ideas as to what is going wrong here? am i using the thmin and thmax
flags wrong?

thanks so much,

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