Hi, All,

I am trying to extract the surface normal values using mri_surf2surf:
%mri_surf2surf --s subject1 --hemi lh --sval-nxyz white --tval lh.white.surfn.img --trg_type analyze4d

The error mesage is :
Loading source data
Extracting surface normals
INFO: surfcluster: NOT fixing group surface area
INFO: trgsubject = srcsubject
Saving target data
Reshaping 131441 (nvertices = 131441)
ANALYZE FORMAT ERROR: nslices 131441 in volume exceeds 32768

I am using FreeSurfer v303. I tested the above command on the subjects inflated by old version of FreeSurfer, and I could get the surface normals. Anything wrong with the new inflation?

Thank you for your time.

XJ Kang
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