Hi - I've been using the mri_convert referenced in the email below to convert 
DICOM to ANALYZE format.  Has this feature been included in the new Freesurfer 

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_convert: dicom to nifti 4D

Doug Greve
Fri, 07 Jul 2006 11:10:27 -0700
Hi Adam,

I've created a new version of mri_convert which should hangle multi-frame GE 
dicom data properly. You can get it from here:


Run it as you would ordinarily, but add -dicomread2 to the cmd line.

I want to stress that this is experimental and that you are practically alpha 
testing it. Do you have other data sets that you can test it on?

It should really be tested on several acquisitions collected with various 
orientations. The volumes should have fiducials to make sure that we are 
getting right right, but it might take me a while to drum up such data sets.


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