You can't use analyze for this because the number of vertices is a
prime number. No dimension in an analyze file can exceed 32k. Usually,
we get around this by dividing up the vertices across mutiple
"slices", but this is not possible when the number of vert is
prime. NIFTI inherited the same problem. Try using mgh instead.


On Wed, 22 Nov 2006, XJ Kang wrote:

Hi, All,

I am trying to extract the surface normal values using mri_surf2surf:
%mri_surf2surf --s subject1 --hemi lh --sval-nxyz white --tval lh.white.surfn.img --trg_type analyze4d

The error mesage is :
Loading source data
Extracting surface normals
INFO: surfcluster: NOT fixing group surface area
INFO: trgsubject = srcsubject
Saving target data
Reshaping 131441 (nvertices = 131441)
ANALYZE FORMAT ERROR: nslices 131441 in volume exceeds 32768

I am using FreeSurfer v303. I tested the above command on the subjects inflated by old version of FreeSurfer, and I could get the surface normals. Anything wrong with the new inflation?

Thank you for your time.

XJ Kang
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422

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