Hi Eric,

>>> Is it possible to know if the next FreeDOS release will be compatible
>>> with Windows 3.1, please? I read an article a few months ago and if
>>> I am not wrong, I remember that it talked about this feature.

>>  From the email that started this thread: no, this 1.4 release will not
>> include the new kernel that provides Windows 3.11 support. The new
>> kernel hasn't been made available for testing, so we cannot include it yet.

> We basically do not include it because it has not been
> tested and since we do not include it, nobody tests it?

I don't know about your education, but the concept to test a piece of software
without making it part of a distribution isn't exactly new.

> That kernel has been, more or less, available for 3 years now:

> https://virtuallyfun.com/2021/07/27/freedos-running-windows-3-1/

but never been made public to the larger freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net and 
insofar not tested.

a) this being just some random guy, writing random stuff at some random 
location on the internet,
what makes this in any way connected to FreeDOS?

b) this is about Windows 3.1 enhanced mode on top of freedos. this is known 
stuff for a long time.
nothing exciting about.

I think the major selling point for the *new* was the rumored Windows WFW 3.11
compatibility. And this would be a REALLY HUGE difference and a really big step 
toward MSDOS 6.2.

So far only rumored.

BTW: what happend to the GPT discussions?


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