As a reminder, Interim Test Builds pull from the nnstable branch of projects 
when it exists.

Release builds only pull from the master branch of the projects.

Although the ERROR.LOG issues warning messages regarding which projects are 
using their unstable branch, I want to provide a note  for those who may not 
have seen (or were unaware) of which projects are currently not pulled from 
their master branch.

The current projects being pulled from an unstable branch that will be merged 
into their master. 

FDI                     The FreeDOS primary installer for CD and USB media.
FDI-x86         The FreeDOS Floppy Edition installer.
FDHELPER        Miscellaneous batch files like HELP.BAT, CDROM.BAT, etc.
FDISK           Hard disk partitioner.
HTMLHELP        The HTML Help viewer.
MKEYB           International keyboard support driver.
TREE            Directory tree viewer.
FDNET.BAT       FreeDOS network support package for Virtual Platforms. 
RCAL            Big number calculator.

Also, FreeCOM and Kernel are using Unstable branches on the Interim Build. 

There have not been any commits to the unstable Kernel branch. So, it is the 
same as the master branch which is the version provided with FreeDOS 1.3.

On the other hand, the unstable branch of FreeCOM contains a test version of 
the command shell which is using the same version number as the previous shell. 
It contains fixes for many bugs that were in the prior version. I would really 
like to see a new official release which contains these fixes and others for 

Side note… One really nice thing about having a batch file based OS installer, 
it relies heavily on the shell. The installer hammers relentlessly on numerous 
features the shell provides. 


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