
On Mon, 11 Oct 2021 at 17:26, Bret Johnson <bretj...@juno.com> wrote:

> For older versions of FD-KEYB and KEYB programs from other places
> (including MKEYB),  I was thinking of maybe doing something with an
> Environment variable, similar to what FreeDOS has implemented with the
> COUNTRY environment variable.  I was thinking of an environment variable
> either called KEYBID or KEYBLAYOUT.  The contents of the variable would be
> the two-letter keyboard code followed optionally by the ID.  Some examples:
>             =US103   (same as US)
>             =GR
>             =GR129   (same as GR)
>             =GR453
> With that, there is a way for a program to figure out what the current
> keyboard layout is if it needs to know for some reason (like some of mine
> do).  This variable could be set in the FreeDOS installation program or by
> the user if the user wants to "automate" things sufficiently.  I think
> adding the special FD-KEYB interface would still be valuable though, since
> it provides MUCH more information than just the ID.  The fact that it will
> rarely get used is not a valid reason to not implement it.

Well, everytime I see something like this you need (some information that
is retrieved within a single interrupt call), I always have the wild idea:
someone add an internal command to FreeCOM


unless someone builds up a clever DEBUG macro :)

You wouldn't have it on a variable though.
But I highly useful feature of FreeCOM would be precisely to store the last
line of an execution into a variable (unluckily we don't have `this` in


Anyway, ideas are cheap, how I wish I could put my hands on this myself :)

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