> Well, a summary for both: I was thinking of providing an interface
> to actually return the KeybCB, you'd have all the information (but
> would be given the chance to mess around with it) :)

> With that you have the entire Scancode-to-codepage (rather than
> ASCII-to-scancode).

Thanks, Aitor.  I think that will work for what I'm doing.

For older versions of FD-KEYB and KEYB programs from other places (including 
MKEYB),  I was thinking of maybe doing something with an Environment variable, 
similar to what FreeDOS has implemented with the COUNTRY environment variable.  
I was thinking of an environment variable either called KEYBID or KEYBLAYOUT.  
The contents of the variable would be the two-letter keyboard code followed 
optionally by the ID.  Some examples:

            =US103   (same as US)
            =GR129   (same as GR)

With that, there is a way for a program to figure out what the current keyboard 
layout is if it needs to know for some reason (like some of mine do).  This 
variable could be set in the FreeDOS installation program or by the user if the 
user wants to "automate" things sufficiently.  I think adding the special 
FD-KEYB interface would still be valuable though, since it provides MUCH more 
information than just the ID.  The fact that it will rarely get used is not a 
valid reason to not implement it.

> Note that may take a while, I am not being able to program so
> actively as I used to in the past. :(

I'm in the same situation.  I have way too many complicated things I want to do 
but have very little time to work on them. 

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