Dan Ponte (>) [with help from some others (>>)] wrote:
A lot of stuff has been removed from plain sight which means
more clicking and scrolling and searching and waiting.
Oh yes, let's all start burying information..
I personally didn't have any problems grokking the new layout or
finding anything I thought to look for.

With Opera, about 40% of the screen space is left unused.
This part I'd agree with. Too much white space around main content
leads to too much scrolling. Let the text flow as wide as the user
decides to; switch to %-based widths, not absolute pixel widths (the
flip side of too much white space in a wide window is that the text
don't wrap in a narrow window. ouch.). Observations made in Firefox.

The old one was better.

I second that all the way. Personally, I feel that the FreeBSD project
is doing too much in the way of appearing "trendy" to attract new users,
Can't disagree with these statements more. The old way, while rich,
seemed way too densely packed. I think the changes should make it
easier to zero in on what's needed, even if some content is one or
two clicks deeper than it used to be. I doubt the primary goal here
was to appear trendy.

Thanks, Contributors!

Now, if only the site Search worked better... ah well, there's always http://www.google.com/bsd
Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
South Central Library System (SCLS)
Library Interchange Network (LINK)
<gregb at scls.lib.wi.us>, (608) 266-6348

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