On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 04:43:36PM -0400, Dan Ponte wrote:
> I second that all the way. Personally, I feel that the FreeBSD project
> is doing too much in the way of appearing "trendy" to attract new users,
> and it's at the expense of its existing userbase. Not to mention that
> the old site rendered perfectly in elinks, while the new one is a mess
> (scrolling all over the place).

Useability in text-mode browsers is a requirement for www.freebsd.org.
Your email is not helpful, however.  Please send a more
specific/constructive message about what part of the HTML or CSS you
want changed, which text-mode browsers have the problem, etc.  Send
that mail to the appropriate list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.


        - Murray
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