On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 04:49:31PM -0500, Greg Barniskis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
was witnessed plotting the following conspiracy:
> Dan Ponte (>) [with help from some others (>>)] wrote:
> >>A lot of stuff has been removed from plain sight which means
> >>more clicking and scrolling and searching and waiting.
> >>Oh yes, let's all start burying information..
> I personally didn't have any problems grokking the new layout or
> finding anything I thought to look for.
> >>With Opera, about 40% of the screen space is left unused.
> This part I'd agree with. Too much white space around main content
> leads to too much scrolling. Let the text flow as wide as the user
> decides to; switch to %-based widths, not absolute pixel widths (the
> flip side of too much white space in a wide window is that the text
> don't wrap in a narrow window. ouch.). Observations made in Firefox.
> >>The old one was better.
> >>
> >I second that all the way. Personally, I feel that the FreeBSD project
> >is doing too much in the way of appearing "trendy" to attract new users,
> Can't disagree with these statements more. The old way, while rich,
> seemed way too densely packed. I think the changes should make it
> easier to zero in on what's needed, even if some content is one or
> two clicks deeper than it used to be. I doubt the primary goal here
> was to appear trendy.

Well, it certainly seems as if that was one of the goals, seeing how the
new site uses quite a few new webdesign concepts that came into
existence in the past few years, while providing little benefit in the
way of content or usability.

> Thanks, Contributors!
> Now, if only the site Search worked better... ah well, there's 
> always http://www.google.com/bsd
Dan Ponte
Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a
just man is also in prison.
                -- Henry David Thoreau

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