On 2/28/21 11:26 AM, Carl Johnson wrote:
> I have an 8GB RPi 4B that I am trying out, but it has no USB response at
> all. That means that I can't use a keyboard or mouse, but I can use a
> serial console and ethernet.  I can plug any USB device into any port,
> but there is nothing logged in /var/messages.  Running usbconfig as root
> just reports 'No device match or lack of permissions'.  Running
> 'dmesg | grep -i usb' reports only the following lines:
>   usb_nop_xceiv0: <USB NOP PHY> on ofwbus0
>   bcm_xhci0: <VL805 USB 3.0 controller (on the Raspberry Pi 4b)> irq 81 at 
> device 0.0 on pci2
>   usb_needs_explore_all: no devclass
> Running 'pciconf -lv' shows there is a VL805 USB controller present.  I
> tested this with Linux and everything worked properly.  This is a new
> computer that I bought only a couple of weeks ago.  Does anybody have
> any ideas on what this might be, or what I could do to try to figure it
> out?
> Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Not to belabour the obvious, but have you booted the machine with Linux
to see if USB works there?  (Just to avoid the possibility that you
have bad hardware.)
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