On Fri, 21 Aug 2015, Hiroki Sato wrote:

Plan A: Just remove print/ghostscript*-nox11.

 Currently ghostscript depends on X11 libraries of ice, sm, x11,
 xext, and xt.  While one can still eliminate these dependency by
 disabling X11 in PORT_OPTIONS, the pre-complied packages always
 depend on them.

 Pros: Simple.

 Cons: GS always depends on the X11 libraries.

Plan B: Remove print/ghostscript*-nox11 and split the X11-dependent
        part of print/ghostscript9 into another port.

 Ghostscript can be built into two parts; one is a part without X11
 libraries and another is a shared library for X11-dependent
 functionality.  GS will find the shared library and transparently
 enable x11* devices only when available.  So we can split
 ghostscript ports into base and X11 part like this:

  print/ghostscript9-base: no X11 dependency
  print/ghostscript9-x11:  installs the shared library only

 Ports which require ghostscript can safely depend on
 ghostscript9-base regardless of X11 support.  If they need X11
 support in GS (print/gv, for example), USES=ghostscript:x11 picks up
 ghostscript9-x11 as an additional dependency.

 Pros: Minimal dependency.

 Cons: People may confuse what -base and -x11 mean and which package
       should be installed when they want ghostscript.

I have created patches for the both and confirmed technical
feasibility but still wondering which looks better to people who are
using ghostscript.  Any comments and/or questions are welcome.

Plan B sounds better to me. Confusion might be reduced by giving it a name that suggests it is an additional component rather than an alternate version of ghostscript. Maybe ghostscript9-x11libs or ghostscript9-xlibsupport or something like that?
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