On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> * Darren Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010417 04:29] wrote:
> > In some mail from Julian Elischer, sie said:
> > >
> > > there is a site that calculates server uptime from these numbers.
> > > All the leading machines are freeBSD. When you do this it will
> > > no-longer be able to track us :-(
> >
> > IMHO, extraordinarily large uptimes are nothing to be proud of and
> > say nothing about the quality of software.
> >
> > I'd almost go so far as to say uptimes greater than 1 year indicate
> > that the system administration practises need review.
> Agreed. I've yet to hear about any seriously deployed system
> go without security advisories for over a year.
You don't have to reboot to fix all the security advisories - just a very
critical few... The last few haven't required reboots to either workaround
or fix. (Replacing libc on a running system *can* be tricky; I blew a SCO
box up that way once!) Some machines with long uptimes are in fairly
secure places (walled-in) so they get serviced less - I've had an AIX box
up 596 days, but it had *very* specific use and "couldn't" take an outage.
I also used a VAX that we didn't find out could not boot until we tried.
The boot params had been goofed-up about six *months* before the failure
and we didn't know it until it nearly killed us... - Jy@
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