On Sun, 02 May 2010 10:25:22 +0300, Yuri <y...@rawbw.com> wrote:
Having tried clang++ I have a feeling that it's not quite ready to be a
generic c++ compiler.
It crashes a lot, fails on many quite simple c++ patterns.

The current state of clang doesn't bother me too much. I'm aware of its
limitations, but I'm also aware of the pace of clang/llvm development.
Trying clang at any given time is quite different than actually seeing
it get better and better every week, for months. When llvm 2.6 was
released, clang didn't compile C++ at all, and compared to that, what
we have now is definitely better. I'm sure that by the end of the summer
I'm going to call current version of clang/llvm "horribly outdated", just
like I've been calling any clang version which is over a month old.
It will get better.

Very immature.

Many problems that C++ ports have with clang is not related to it being
immature, they're related to the fact that clang isn't gcc and that
those ports aren't written in standard C++.

Don't you feel it's too early to start project like you are going to
given the state of clang with c++?

No I don't. My project doesn't rely on clang supporting all of C++. I
just want to prepare ports tree for clang. I don't intend to make
21645+ ports work with clang over the summer, that may be slightly too
much work even for me. So if I can't get KDE working, too bad, but let's
wait until clang supports all the fancy C++ KDE needs and I'll just get
it working then, even if that's after the summer is long over. You could
say that the goal of this project is to make fixing ports+clang easier
in the future.

You will just keep stumbling upon various problems with various ports

I've mentioned that I've been involved with ports+clang since last
October. "Stumbling upon various problems" is what I do. I'm still here,
even doing a GSoC project, so it doesn't look like "various problems"
will scare me off. And as I've mentioned above, just because some ports
don't compile, it doesn't affect this project too much.

and maybe will make 30% of c++ ports build with it at best.
[citation needed]

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