Bruce A. Mah wrote:

If memory serves me right, Tim Kientzle wrote:

The attached patch modifies the pkg_install
tools to inspect the file contents--rather than the
filename extension--to determine the
compression method in use.

The concept is good, and it's something we've needed for awhile. I suspect you followed the various adventures of pkg_add and sysinstall when we tried supporting both bzip2 and gzip packages ...

Yes, those adventures were a large part of
what motivated me to implement this auto-detect logic.

...  If the
package comes from a file, then pkg_add wants to make two passes over
the package, first to get the +CONTENTS file and second to actually
unpack everything.  When the first tar process finishes reading the
+CONTENTS file, it closes its pipe (due to the --fast-read argument).
However, pkg_add still seems to be writing to the pipe...this seems to
be bad.

It works if I remove the --fast-read flag from the tar, but that's not
the right answer.

No.   That's clearly not the right answer.  Seems I forgot
to check for an error return from fwrite().  Easy enough
to fix; near the end of unpack() in lib/file.c, change
the read/write loop to the following:

     while(buff_size > 0) {
       if(buff_size < fwrite(buff,1,buff_size,out_pipe))
       buff_size = fread(buff,1,buff_allocation,pkg_file);

This aborts the passthrough if the pipe is closed.
Modified diff attached.


P.S.  It's galled me for a while that pkg_add has
to fork 'tar' to extract the archive.  I've started
piecing together a library that reads/writes tarfiles.
With this, it should be possible to make pkg_add
considerably more efficient.  In particular, rather
than extracting to a temp directory, then parsing important
information, then moving the files, it should be
possible using this library to read the initial
entries ("+CONTENTS", in particular) directly into
memory, process the information there, then extract the
remainder of the package files directly into their
final locations.  So far, I have a library API
outlined, and functional read support implemented.
Next step is to hack up a minimal tar implementation
that uses it to make sure everything's working

So far, the library automatically detects compression
formats (using techniques like those in my
pkg_install patch) and has some rough support
for detecting the archive format as well.
(One goal of mine: support for 'pax extended
archives', which I understand can handle ACLs.)

Of course, such a library could also form the
basis for a BSD-licensed tar to replace GNU tar.
I understand a few people have wanted such a thing.
Index: lib/exec.c
RCS file: /usr/src/cvs/src/usr.sbin/pkg_install/lib/exec.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -c -r1.10 exec.c
*** lib/exec.c  1 Apr 2002 09:39:07 -0000       1.10
--- lib/exec.c  29 Mar 2003 06:00:36 -0000
*** 25,59 ****
  #include <err.h>
!  * Unusual system() substitute.  Accepts format string and args,
!  * builds and executes command.  Returns exit code.
! int
! vsystem(const char *fmt, ...)
!     va_list args;
      char *cmd;
-     int ret, maxargs;
      maxargs = sysconf(_SC_ARG_MAX);
      maxargs -= 32;                    /* some slop for the sh -c */
      cmd = malloc(maxargs);
      if (!cmd) {
!       warnx("vsystem can't alloc arg space");
!       return 1;
-     va_start(args, fmt);
      if (vsnprintf(cmd, maxargs, fmt, args) > maxargs) {
!       warnx("vsystem args are too long");
!       return 1;
  #ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Executing %s\n", cmd);
      ret = system(cmd);
-     va_end(args);
      return ret;
--- 25,83 ----
  #include <err.h>
!  * Format a command, allocating a buffer along the way.
! static char *
! va_system_cmd(const char *fmt, va_list args)
!     int maxargs;
      char *cmd;
      maxargs = sysconf(_SC_ARG_MAX);
      maxargs -= 32;                    /* some slop for the sh -c */
      cmd = malloc(maxargs);
      if (!cmd) {
!       warnx("can't allocate memory to format program command line");
!       return NULL;
      if (vsnprintf(cmd, maxargs, fmt, args) > maxargs) {
!       warnx("argument list is too long");
!       return NULL;
+     return cmd;
+ }
+ char *
+ system_cmd(const char *fmt, ...)
+ {
+     va_list args;
+     char *cmd;
+     va_start(args, fmt);
+     cmd = va_system_cmd(fmt,args);
+     va_end(args);
+     return cmd;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Unusual system() substitute.  Accepts format string and args,
+  * builds and executes command.  Returns exit code.
+  */
+ int
+ vsystem(const char *fmt, ...)
+ {
+     va_list args;
+     char *cmd;
+     int ret;
+     va_start(args, fmt);
+     cmd = va_system_cmd(fmt,args);
+     va_end(args);
+     if(cmd == NULL) return 1;
  #ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Executing %s\n", cmd);
      ret = system(cmd);
      return ret;
*** 63,69 ****
     FILE *fp;
     char *cmd, *rp;
-    int maxargs;
     va_list args;
      rp = malloc(MAXPATHLEN);
--- 87,92 ----
*** 71,94 ****
          warnx("vpipe can't alloc buffer space");
          return NULL;
!     maxargs = sysconf(_SC_ARG_MAX);
!     maxargs -= 32;                        /* some slop for the sh -c */
!     cmd = alloca(maxargs);
!     if (!cmd) {
!       warnx("vpipe can't alloc arg space");
!       return NULL;
!     }
-     va_start(args, fmt);
-     if (vsnprintf(cmd, maxargs, fmt, args) > maxargs) {
-       warnx("vsystem args are too long");
-       return NULL;
-     }
  #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "Executing %s\n", cmd);
      fp = popen(cmd, "r");
      if (fp == NULL) {
        warnx("popen() failed");
        return NULL;
--- 94,110 ----
          warnx("vpipe can't alloc buffer space");
          return NULL;
!     va_start(args,fmt);
!     cmd = va_system_cmd(fmt,args);
!     va_end(args);
!     if(cmd == NULL) return NULL;
  #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "Executing %s\n", cmd);
      fp = popen(cmd, "r");
+     free(cmd);
      if (fp == NULL) {
        warnx("popen() failed");
        return NULL;
*** 97,103 ****
  #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "Returned %s\n", rp);
-     va_end(args);
      if (pclose(fp) || (strlen(rp) == 0)) {
        return NULL;
--- 113,118 ----
Index: lib/file.c
RCS file: /usr/src/cvs/src/usr.sbin/pkg_install/lib/file.c,v
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -c -r1.64 file.c
*** lib/file.c  6 Jan 2003 07:39:02 -0000       1.64
--- lib/file.c  29 Mar 2003 06:12:55 -0000
*** 27,32 ****
--- 27,36 ----
  #include <time.h>
  #include <sys/wait.h>
+ static int file_is_gzip(const unsigned char *, size_t);
+ static int file_is_bzip2(const unsigned char *, size_t);
  /* Quick check to see if a file exists */
  fexists(const char *fname)
*** 42,48 ****
  isdir(const char *fname)
      struct stat sb;
      if (lstat(fname, &sb) != FAIL && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
        return TRUE;
      else if (lstat(strconcat(fname, "/."), &sb) != FAIL && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
--- 46,52 ----
  isdir(const char *fname)
      struct stat sb;
      if (lstat(fname, &sb) != FAIL && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
        return TRUE;
      else if (lstat(strconcat(fname, "/."), &sb) != FAIL && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
*** 328,362 ****
  unpack(const char *pkg, const char *flist)
!     char args[10], suff[80], *cp;
!     args[0] = '\0';
!     /*
!      * Figure out by a crude heuristic whether this or not this is probably
!      * compressed and whichever compression utility was used (gzip or bzip2).
!      */
      if (strcmp(pkg, "-")) {
!       cp = strrchr(pkg, '.');
!       if (cp) {
!           strcpy(suff, cp + 1);
!           if (strchr(suff, 'z') || strchr(suff, 'Z')) {
!               if (strchr(suff, 'b'))
!                   strcpy(args, "-j");
!               else
!                   strcpy(args, "-z");
!           }
!       }
!     else
!       /* XXX: need to handle .tgz also */
!       strcpy(args, "-j");
!     strcat(args, " -xpf");
!     if (vsystem("tar %s '%s' %s", args, pkg, flist ? flist : "")) {
        warnx("tar extract of %s failed!", pkg);
        return 1;
      return 0;
   * Using fmt, replace all instances of:
--- 332,411 ----
  unpack(const char *pkg, const char *flist)
!     char *cmd;
!     char *compression;
!     FILE *pkg_file;
!     FILE *out_pipe;
!     unsigned char *buff;
!     size_t buff_allocation;
!     size_t buff_size;
!     buff_allocation = 8*1024;
!     buff = (unsigned char *)malloc(buff_allocation);
!     /* Determine compression by inspecting file signature */
      if (strcmp(pkg, "-")) {
!         pkg_file = fopen(pkg,"r");
!     } else {
!         pkg_file = stdin;
!     if(pkg_file == NULL) {
!         warnx("couldn't open %s",pkg);
!       return 1;
!     }
!     /* Select appropriate compression argument for tar by
!      * inspecting file signature */
!     buff_size = fread(buff,1,buff_allocation,pkg_file);
!     if(file_is_gzip(buff,buff_size)) {
!         compression = "z";
!     } else if(file_is_bzip2(buff,buff_size)) {
!         compression = "j";
!     } else {
!         compression = "";
!     }
!     cmd = system_cmd("tar -xp%sf - %s",compression,flist ? flist : "");
!     if(cmd == NULL) return 1;
!     /* Cat entire file through tar */
! #ifdef DEBUG
!     printf("Piping package '%s' to cmd '%s'\n", pkg,cmd);
! #endif
!     out_pipe = popen(cmd,"w");
!     free(cmd);
!     if(out_pipe == NULL) return 1;
!     while(buff_size > 0) {
!       if(buff_size < fwrite(buff,1,buff_size,out_pipe))
!               break;
!       buff_size = fread(buff,1,buff_allocation,pkg_file);
!     }
!     if(pclose(out_pipe)) {
        warnx("tar extract of %s failed!", pkg);
        return 1;
      return 0;
+ /*
+  * Returns 1 if buffer holds initial bytes of a gzipped file
+  */
+ static int
+ file_is_gzip(const unsigned char *head, size_t s) {
+       if(s < 2) return 0;
+       return (head[0]==0037 && head[1]==0213);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Returns 1 if buffer holds initial bytes of a bzip2-ed file
+  */
+ static int
+ file_is_bzip2(const unsigned char *head, size_t s) {
+       if(s < 3) return 0;
+       return (head[0]=='B' && head[1]=='Z' && head[2]=='h');
+ }
   * Using fmt, replace all instances of:
Index: lib/lib.h
RCS file: /usr/src/cvs/src/usr.sbin/pkg_install/lib/lib.h,v
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -c -r1.47 lib.h
*** lib/lib.h   6 Jan 2003 07:39:02 -0000       1.47
--- lib/lib.h   29 Mar 2003 06:00:36 -0000
*** 137,142 ****
--- 137,143 ----
  /* Prototypes */
  /* Misc */
  int           vsystem(const char *, ...);
+ char *                system_cmd(const char *, ...);
  char          *vpipe(const char *, ...);
  void          cleanup(int);
  char          *make_playpen(char *, off_t);
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