On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 09:33:20PM +0600, Ilia Chipitsine wrote:

I did a similar test ages ago, only I was extracting a version
of the Linux kernel. The FreeBSD machine came out about 10%
faster, despite the fact it was running squid and had an older,
slower disk.

FreeBSD: 112.95 109.00 112.14 109.71 111.68 111.41 111.88
Linux: 122.99 122.11 123.35 121.88 121.70 123.47 124.94

I think what you're seeing is the fact that ports is an extream
case. If you want to put a system which tries to keep metadata
consistant through hell then create lots of small files!

You could try and see how working without soft updates and
working async changes the timings. (Also - make sure you've
set up softupdates correctly - it is quite easy to think
you've turned softupdates on and actually have them off!)


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