In message <v04220803b50f8d254208@[]>, Brad Knowles writes:
>At 8:23 AM +0200 2000/4/4, Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai wrote:
>> Like I said in another mail, this is CURRENT, things are
>> expected to break. You want stability of API's, go 3-STABLE. You want
>> a somewhat stable environment, go 4-STABLE. 5 is bleeding edge, have
>> your bandages ready.
> Like I said in a previous message, Poul broke vinum (among other
>things) under 4.0-STABLE, and this needs to be fixed ASAP. If Poul
>had kept his changes unique to -CURRENT, then 4.0-STABLE wouldn't
>have been affected. But he didn't, and it was.
You are confused.
I have not made one single commit to 4.0-STABLE which even comes
close to vinum.
The problem in vinum/releng4 is the problem greg has been blaming
on CAM since at least FreeBSDcon and indications seems to be that
it is actually a malloc/free gottcha in vinum.
I have nothing to do with that, apart from being releived that
we don't seem to have a random stack-smasher bug in the system.
Poul-Henning Kamp FreeBSD coreteam member
[EMAIL PROTECTED] "Real hackers run -current on their laptop."
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