On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Giorgos Keramidas <keram...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> It seems the p5-Test-Harness may be too simple for our
>> requirements. Has anyone looked into using NetBSD's ATF
>> (http://www.netbsd.org/~jmmv/atf/) in FreeBSD?
> I am not sure if it makes sense to import ATF into the *base*
> system, but it sure looks like a nice ports/ addition.  The work
> of writing the actual test code is then going to be a bit of
> extra work on top of that, but we can start doing it in small
> "mini-project chunks".

You're correct; it doesn't make sense given the agile approach of
releasing the software that's being done today.

> I already have a few tests that I would love to convert to
> something more modular like ATF:
> : keram...@kobe:/hg/bsd/src$ hg qseries -s | fgrep regression
> : regression-chmod: Add a few regression tests for chmod(1)
> : regression-stdtime: Add a regression suite for libc/stdtime functions
> : keram...@kobe:/hg/bsd/src$
> If anyone is already working on an ATF package/port, I'm very
> interested to help.

Already in the works: ports/146754 .
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