On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 14:50:13 +0200, Alexander Leidinger 
<alexan...@leidinger.net> wrote:
> Quoting Erik Cederstrand <e...@cederstrand.dk> (from Thu, 3 Jun 2010
> 12:02:51 +0200):
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to run the regression tests in src/tools/regression on a
>> regular basis. What's the official way to do this? Is there some way
>> I can run them all in one go?
>> It seems it's necessary to enter every single subdirectory and
>> execute any Makefiles located there before running 'prove -r'. Some
> You could write a Makefile which recurses into the subdirs.

That's the easy way to run all the current tests.  It should be possible
to add minimal makefile glue to run all the regression tests.

Skipping some of the tests may also be possible by using a technique
similar to the src/ tree, e.g.:

    SUBDIRS = \
        foo \
        ${_bar} \

    .if defined(WITH_BAR)
    _bar = bar

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