Quoting Erik Cederstrand <e...@cederstrand.dk> (from Thu, 3 Jun 2010
12:02:51 +0200):
I'd like to run the regression tests in src/tools/regression on a
regular basis. What's the official way to do this? Is there some way
I can run them all in one go?
It seems it's necessary to enter every single subdirectory and
execute any Makefiles located there before running 'prove -r'. Some
You could write a Makefile which recurses into the subdirs.
of the tests don't contain .t files, so I assume they can't be run
using 'prove'?
The effort to convert tests to prove-able tests got stuck at one point
in time (probably time constraints / real-life-interupt).
Year, n.:
A period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments.
-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
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