Doing a ./ make crashes my -current machine pretty quickly.
It stops in    Building in /usr/src/tools/regression/bin/mv

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 6:19 PM, Erik Cederstrand <> wrote:
> Den 03/06/2010 kl. 21.54 skrev Giorgos Keramidas:
>> On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 14:50:13 +0200, Alexander Leidinger 
>> <> wrote:
>>> Quoting Erik Cederstrand <> (from Thu, 3 Jun 2010
>>> 12:02:51 +0200):
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'd like to run the regression tests in src/tools/regression on a
>>>> regular basis. What's the official way to do this? Is there some way
>>>> I can run them all in one go?
>>>> It seems it's necessary to enter every single subdirectory and
>>>> execute any Makefiles located there before running 'prove -r'. Some
>>> You could write a Makefile which recurses into the subdirs.
> I ended up with the attached shell script which does the job (but not very 
> elegantly) for the time being.
> As stated elsewhere in this thread, some tests need cleaning up and rewriting 
> to the standard format.
> Erik
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