On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 8:33 AM, Tim Starling <tstarl...@wikimedia.org>wrote:

> There's a Board resolution that says "implement it", so I suppose it
> will be implemented.
> http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Resolution:Controversial_content
> However, the editor community could sabotage it in various ways. For
> example, there's no guarantee that anyone will tag any images, or that
> tagged images won't be untagged by bots run by administrators. If the
> Board really does want a useful image-hiding feature, then it's
> essential that the community be persuaded that it is a good idea.
> Personally, I think the filter will be mostly harmless, and that it's
> not worth the effort to rail against it. It will be useful for PR --
> it will seem as if we are trying to accomodate all points of view even
> if the feature is not particularly useful for parents.
> -- Tim Starling
 Seems just as likely that it will prove to be new fodder for critics. I'm
sure you can imagine it - "Wikipedia announced a porn filter, so I let my
3rd grader use it, and found him looking at [[Pearl necklace]]* because of a
link on [[Sesame street]]! And there were pictures!"  - magnified across the
blogosphere and conservative commentariat.


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