Hi All,

This PR was fixed by the patch for PR109066. I have had the attached
testcase in my tree for more than a week now and I propose to push it
tomorrow, unless there are any objections.

The reporter has requested that the patch be backported. Neither PR is a
regression and component defined assignment is so wrongly implemented that
it will have to be reworked in 16. However, I am perfectly prepared to do
the backport, which should keep at least two customers happy :-) Thoughts?


! { dg-do run }
! PR115265 was fixed by the patch for PR109066. This testcase makes sure
! that it stays that way :-)
! Contributed by Matthew Krupcale  <mkrupc...@gmail.com>
module t_mod
  implicit none
  public :: t, my_f, extract_y_

  type t
     procedure(t_f), pointer, nopass :: f
     integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: x
     integer, private, dimension(:), allocatable :: y_
     final :: t_destructor
     procedure :: y => t_y
  end type t

  interface t
     module procedure t_constructor
  end interface t

  abstract interface
     subroutine t_f(x, y)
       integer, intent(in) :: x(:)
       integer, intent(out) :: y(:)
     end subroutine t_f
  end interface


  function t_constructor(f, x)
    implicit none

    procedure(t_f), pointer, intent(in) :: f
    integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
    type(t) :: t_constructor

    integer :: n

    n = size(x)


    t_constructor%f => f
    t_constructor%x = x

  end function t_constructor

  subroutine t_destructor(this)
    implicit none

    type(t), intent(inout) :: this

    if (allocated(this%x)) deallocate(this%x)
    if (allocated(this%y_)) deallocate(this%y_)

  end subroutine t_destructor

  subroutine t_y(this)
    implicit none

    class(t), intent(inout) :: this

    call this%f(this%x, this%y_)

  end subroutine t_y

  subroutine my_f(x, y)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: x(:)
    integer, intent(out) :: y(:)
    y = 2 * x      ! Runtime segfault here

  end subroutine my_f

  function extract_y_ (arg) result (res)
    integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: res
    type(t) :: arg
    res = arg%y_
  end function extract_y_

end module t_mod

program main
  use t_mod
  implicit none

  type(t) :: my_t, res
  my_t = t(my_f, [1, 2, 3])
  call my_t%y()
  if (any (extract_y_ (my_t) .ne. [2,4,6])) stop 1

end program main

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