Last week, as an exercise in learning FORTRAN, I did a programming puzzle
( ) with gfortran. I targeted the 2023
standard (*not* GNU). I saw two oddities. The first I posted about in this
mailing list already (and it turns out there is a relevant bugzilla bug).
The other I *think* is a bug (and I am not finding an existing bugzilla bug
on my own), but I am less sure, so wanted to check here first before filing.

For my solution, I needed to read in a file in stream mode, character by
character(1). I needed to do this twice, once to find out what size array
to load the data into and once to load the data into my newly-allocated
array. It initially appeared stream mode would allow me to do this without
closing and reopening the file, by "seeking" back to the beginning of the
file using the pos= argument to READ. But when I tried to do this,
something odd happened.

Details: I open the file with


This works; scanning to determine the input size works. Now I need to seek.
I find this old stackoverflow answer:

Claiming that the following code works (and implying they tested it in "

READ (iu,"()", ADVANCE='NO', POS=file_pos) ! iu is file unit

I created a test program implementing this:

And using a test input such as:

I can run it with `gfortran src/puzzle.f90 -std=f2023 -o program &&
./program data/sample-2.18.txt`. When I do this, I get a failure:

At line 88 of file src/puzzle.f90 (unit = 10, file = 'data/sample-2.18.txt')
Fortran runtime error: Format present for UNFORMATTED data transfer

It appears it does not like the "()" format. However, imagine I edit line
88 to change `read(10, "()", advance='no', pos=1)` to `read(10,
advance='no', pos=1)`, removing the format. Now I get a different error:

./program data/sample-2.18.txt

   88 |     read(10, advance='no', pos=1)
      |                     1
Error: the ADVANCE= specifier at (1) must appear with an explicit format

So if I have a (null) format specifier the error message tells me to remove
the format expression, and if I remove the format specifier the error
message tells me to add a format expression. There appears to be *no way*
of using advance='no' that will not cause gfortran to emit an error; even
putting in a (spurious/useless) read, such as with `read(10, "(a)",
advance='no', pos=1) char_in`, produces "Fortran runtime error: Format
present for UNFORMATTED data transfer".

I do not have a specific need for this to be fixed; I eventually got my
program to work via a workaround I would consider "silly" ( see line 102:
). However it seems like there is a bug here, for three reasons: because
having some method of seeking the file without simultaneously doing a read
is fundamentally desirable; because the error messages seem to give
misleading directions; and because I *think* this is a standard

If I look at the current standard ( 2023 draft document: ) under the definition of
io-control-spec I see;

> C1223 (R1213) An ADVANCE= specifier shall appear only in a formatted
sequential or stream data transfer25
> statement with explicit format specification (13.2) whose
io-control-spec-list does not contain an internal-26
> file-variable as the io-unit.

This implies an io-control-spec-list with *no* "io-unit" should be allowed.
I find this same text (with different numbering) in drafts of the 2008 and
2003 standards, so it appears this has been part of FORTRAN as long as
stream mode itself.

Does anyone know of an impediment to filing this (am I doing something
wrong, is there an existing bug I was not able to find(2))?


(1) I understand use of stream mode is considered unusual. The problem I
was solving here was a rare case it was actually appropriate: the input
file, linked above as "test input", was a grid of ASCII art.

(2) I think I have the hang of using the mailing list now, so I expect I
will actually see the reply this time *_*

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