On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 8:07 PM, Andreas Cadhalpun
<andreas.cadhal...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 25.01.2016 11:01, Hendrik Leppkes wrote:
>> msys doesn't seem to like creating directory symlinks with ln -s, for
>> some reason it copies the folder instead, which is of course terribly
>> slow.
> There is a fast configure check, which I added to prevent actually
> creating the link to the source directory, if it wouldn't be a real
> link, but a copy instead.
> Does that check not work for you?
> It works here: After replacing '$ln_s "$link_dest" "$link_name"'
> with 'cp -r "$link_dest" "$link_name"' it doesn't create the src
> link and falls back to using the full path instead.

It works fine now, I cleaned up my tree and re-applied the patch, who
knows what happened before, possibly some changes from debugging left.
I didn't check the code if you actually tried to handle such a case.
Tried both normal in-tree and out-of-tree across drives, and it seems
to run fine.


- Hendrik
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