On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 19:51 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 10:38 -0600, Leonard Evens wrote:
> > On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 03:05 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2011-03-02 at 13:22 -0600, Leonard Evens wrote:
> > > > The links say it can be fixed by editing the appropriate entry(ies)
> > > > under .gconf,  but they aren't very specific.  Apparently I have to edit
> > > > one or more of the xml files %gconf.xml,  and I don't understand the
> > > > syntax well enough to do that.
> > > 
> > > Does https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=634794#c1 and later
> > > comments help?
> > 
> > No.
> So what exactly is unclear?

It starts by saying

"start gconf-editor, go to /apps/evolution/addressbook/source"

I don't think I can do that.  When I open gconf-editor,  I can find on
the left

but I don't find source under that on the left.  I do find
completion, display, and select_names.  Highlighting those doesn't
indicate any source or sources on the right.

Similarly, for
None of the fields under that are source(s)
But if I highlight calendar,  I do see a lot on the right under two
columns Name and Value. One of the fields under Name is sources, but I
can't seem to pick that out to be edited,  and I wouldn't have the
foggiest idea how to edit it if I could.

>From your description, it seems I should be finding sources on the left
under calendar, and if I highlight it,  I should see something on the
right which shows two versions of On this computer, and I should be able
to delete one of them---or something like that which I should see how to

But I don't see anything like that,  which suggests to me that the mixup
is more basic and requires detailed editing which perhaps gconf-editor
is not setup to do.

So  I can't figure out how to continue with

"and edit
it manually to point to the right places."

Leonard Evens l...@math.northwestern.edu
Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University

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