On Wed, 2011-03-02 at 13:22 -0600, Leonard Evens wrote:
> The links say it can be fixed by editing the appropriate entry(ies)
> under .gconf,  but they aren't very specific.  Apparently I have to
> edit
> one or more of the xml files %gconf.xml,  and I don't understand the
> syntax well enough to do that. 

no, you read it wrong, there is nothing about .gconf and XML files, and
definitely nothing about %gconf.xml. There is (see andre's comment link)
explicitly said (cite follows, s/two/to/):
> Had two start gconf-editor, go to /apps/evolution/addressbook/source
> and edit it manually to point to the right places.

You've right that there are more places to be edited, as this is not
only about address books, but also about calendar sources. It's namely
about these keys (gconf-editor keys):

The other thing you've right with is that the new program may clean this
mess for you, which it doesn't unfortunately. I'll try to make necessary
changes for it.

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