Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

>> To have a defcustom that let you choose preferred method.  Whether the
>> default should be changed I don't know.
> We don't need a defcustom if we can assign a different keybinding to
> each of them.

Perhaps.  Unless C-c C-c should reflect "my" preferred method.

>>> This is not possible ATM because it doesn't handle inline footnotes at
>>> all (this requires some work in "org-src.el", since
>>> `org-src--edit-element' wasn't designed to edit inline objects), and,
>> There's no need IMO.  ATM it moves to the second colon and I don't see
>> other logical ways to handle it.
> You can reference inline footnotes too:
>   [fn:label] refers to [fn:label:definition]
> and you may want to edit definition from [fn:label].

Right.  I had not thought of that.

>> C-c C-c would then depend on a defcustom, I guess.  At least it's a pity
>> if C-c C-c only works in some cases, e.g. "if not narrowed".
> If remote editing is improved, it can become the default for C-c C-c
> when on a footnote reference. C-c C-o can jump between the definition
> and the reference. We can remove C-c '.

I guess that's fine.  Still, someone who never uses narrows may find jump
better, especially for short documents.  If the org-src window can be
configured to show less than a fullscreen I guess I would have no concerns
with this proposal.


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