Jeffrey Brent McBeth <> writes:

> From time to time (each time I delve into using org-mode for deadlines
> before my habits fall apart), I find the desire to have some form of
> relative deadlines.  By this I mean, that there are often sequences of
> tasks that I know the time required to complete and when things are
> due.  These tasks may repeat (usually do).
> It would be awful helpful to me, but I would guess few others, as a
> search didn't find much, for there to be some annotation like this
> (example is farcical, notation is notional)
> * Go on date
>  DEADLINE: <2014-12-25>
>  ** Ask Girl #<-3w>#
>  ** Wash Hair #<-2w>#
>  ** Make Money #<-1w2d>#
>  ** Get in Car #<-0d>#
>  ** Call her back #<+1w>#
> that in the agenda view would show as a sequence of tasks with the following 
> dates
> Go on date <2014-12-25>
> Ask Girl <2014-12-04>
> Wash Hair <2014-12-11>
> Make Money <2014-12-16>
> Get in Car <2014-12-25>
> Call her back <2015-01-01>
> I have a python function that can take a stripped down org file and
> places an active date after each #<block># (or inactive after
> #[block]#), that I hacked up today to see if it would really be as
> useful as I thought, but I keep thinking that someone somewhere must
> have scratched this itch elsewhere, and having to partially parse org
> in python and modify the text rather than having my agenda smart
> enough to figure it out gives me pause...
> If nobody have better ideas, are the block delimiters I'm using going
> to conflict with some other feature in org that I'm just not using
> yet?
> The main functuionality I'm stumbling toward is having an easily
> moveable end date (so replacing the block with absolute dates is a
> nono).
> Thanks for your attention,
>  Jeffrey McBeth

I think like that as well.  I know when some _thing_ has to be done.   Then I
start thinking of all the support items in relative terms to the main one.

You should add this to org mode, if able.  It would be a nice addition...


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