Jeffrey Brent McBeth <> writes:

> This is where I fall down.  I don't see how that meets my basic need
> case.

If you want to repeat the main task and sub-tasks, the function will
preserve difference between the timestamps.

> I know that certain sub tasks need to start 90 days before the final
> deadline (for example), I can hand count back 90 days and then do the
> shifting of timestamps, but then the core relevant information is lost
> of -90d.

You can also modify (advice) `org-deadline' and `org-scheduled' so their
base value is the one above in the subtree instead of current date.

Another option is to add a keymap to
`org-read-date-minibuffer-local-map' that would set the base date to the
last one computed. You could then choose your date incrementally (e.g.,
first move to the deadline date of the task, then backwards 90 days
with -90d). I'm unsure about the net benefit, tho.


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