>From time to time (each time I delve into using org-mode for deadlines before >my habits fall apart), I find the desire to have some form of relative >deadlines. By this I mean, that there are often sequences of tasks that I >know the time required to complete and when things are due. These tasks may >repeat (usually do).
It would be awful helpful to me, but I would guess few others, as a search didn't find much, for there to be some annotation like this (example is farcical, notation is notional) * Go on date DEADLINE: <2014-12-25> ** Ask Girl #<-3w># ** Wash Hair #<-2w># ** Make Money #<-1w2d># ** Get in Car #<-0d># ** Call her back #<+1w># that in the agenda view would show as a sequence of tasks with the following dates Go on date <2014-12-25> Ask Girl <2014-12-04> Wash Hair <2014-12-11> Make Money <2014-12-16> Get in Car <2014-12-25> Call her back <2015-01-01> I have a python function that can take a stripped down org file and places an active date after each #<block># (or inactive after #[block]#), that I hacked up today to see if it would really be as useful as I thought, but I keep thinking that someone somewhere must have scratched this itch elsewhere, and having to partially parse org in python and modify the text rather than having my agenda smart enough to figure it out gives me pause... If nobody have better ideas, are the block delimiters I'm using going to conflict with some other feature in org that I'm just not using yet? The main functuionality I'm stumbling toward is having an easily moveable end date (so replacing the block with absolute dates is a nono). Thanks for your attention, Jeffrey McBeth -- "The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." -- Mark Twain