Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> Hi,
> Rainer M Krug <rai...@krugs.de> writes:
> Thanks for the summary Rainer.

Hope I didn't forget anything...

>> I think that org could be a perfect environment for building CVs if
>> one could come up with an HOWTO and many examples how to do it - and I
>> think this is going into the right direction.
> I think the "right" approach is cooking up a reasonable way to
> represent CVs and make an ox-cv with a customized interface (like
> ox-koma-letter where ordering of blocks can also be changed
> "on-the-go") and provide some nice default "themes".  It should either
> build on an established LaTeX cv package or just KOMA-Script like
> Xavier's CV (and mine).  I didn't check the ox-cv.el that was posted
> carefully.

Yes - this might be the most "org-ish" approach, and the most stable
(over time).

> That being said, I don't have much time for this right now.

Isn't there a worg / org page, where these ideas are collected (TODO?
Feature Requests, ...)? I fear that this becomes forgotten again
(including myself!), as CVs are not something one uses regularly...

I unfortunately have not the elisp knowledge to contribute much here.

> It would be nicer to handle something like a CV in org than LaTeX.

I completely agree with you - I have it at the moment in LyX, but I am
fixing issues each time I need a CV.



> Cheers,
> Rasmus

Rainer M. Krug

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