Not sure anybody saw this the first time, so I'll try again, with some expansion.
Unlike the others who've commented, I moved my CV from LaTeX to org-mode and I'm happy with the results. Two things make it work well. First, a "cv" class added to org-latex-classes: (add-to-list '("cv" "\\documentclass[10pt]{article}\n\\usepackage[margin=.75in]{geometry}\n%\\usepackage{palatino}\n\\usepackage{sectsty}\n\\sectionfont{\\normalsize\\selectfont\\itshape}\n\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n\\usepackage{libertine}\n\\renewcommand*\\oldstylenums[1]{{\\fontfamily{fxlj}\\selectfont #1}}" ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}"))) Second, something like the following at the top of the org file (replace with your particulars): #+OPTIONS: author:nil timestamp:nil #+TITLE: #+DATE: #+LaTeX_CLASS: cv #+BEGIN_LATEX \begin{flushleft} \bfseries\Large Curriculum Vitae\hfill Daniel M. Griswold\normalfont \end{flushleft} \vspace{-12pt}% \begin{flushright} 69 Stratton Road\\ Rochester, NY 14610\\ (585) xxx-xxxx\\\\ \hrulefill \end{flushright} #+END_LATEX Main headings are things like: * Education * Specialization * Employment * Publications * Awards and Honors and the details below each of these headings are simply unordered lists I really like the easy of editing in org-mode this gives me. Hope this helps, Dan