Myles English <> writes:

> Myles English writes:
>> Nicolas Goaziou writes:
>>> One option could be to define a specialized latex back-end dedicated to
>>> moderncv class, much like "ox-koma-letter.el" does for "scrlttr2".
>> I did actually make a start on this, I'll dig it out and put it
>> somewhere accessible, soon.
> ..and here it is:

This looks very nice - thanks. 


> It kind of works, I haven't tried it with org more recent than about
> July.  I'll be trying to develop it further myself but would welcome a
> lot of input from others.  Alternatively, if someone wants to take it
> over completely, that would be fine too.
> Myles

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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