Achim Gratz <> writes:

> Bastien writes:
>> What I meant is this: broken tests are not a sufficient reason to
>> revert a commit.  You need to show the commit is wrong and the tests
>> are not outdated.
> No code breaking a test should have been committed in the first place,
> then we wouldn't need to have this discussion.  If the "tests are
> outdated" (in this case they ensure that the documentation and
> implementation are matching up which is difficult to ascertain by just
> playing with a single example, so that shouldn't ever happen), the onus
> is on the committer to explain why and change the tests and
> documentation accordingly (either as a preparation for that commit or in
> the same commit).

My assumption is that every committer does its best and that we
collectively try to help each other.

That's another way not to have this discussion.

I'm fine fixing bugs and tests introduced by someone else.

After all, I've answered hundreds of emails by people who are
confused by the new way of setting Org's version (which I will
revisit soon.)


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