Eric Schulte <> writes: > The ":hlines yes" header argument must be set on the call line itself.
Thanks, that works! Since this works differently for org results and raw results, can you explain whether I understand this correctly: a ":hlines yes" at the end of the line is needed to keep hlines in the output of a #+CALL if the result is in org-mode, but a ":hlines yes" is not needed if the output is raw. In fact, a ":hlines no" keeps hlines in raw output; see a summarizing example below. >From the documentation I got the impression that if hlines are pruned, they are pruned from the _input_: "The :hlines argument to a code block accepts the values yes or no, with a default value of no. - no Strips horizontal lines from the input table." Jarmo # --------------------------------------------------------------- * hlines behaviour demo for org and raw output #+NAME: input-table #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (list '(a) '(b) 'hline '(c)) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: input-table | a | | b | |---| | c | #+NAME: table-org-results #+CALL: input-table() :hlines yes #+RESULTS: table-org-results | a | | b | |---| | c | #+NAME: table-raw-results #+CALL: input-table[:results raw]() :hlines no #+RESULTS: table-raw-results : ((a) (b) hline (c)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------