Greetings Eric.

Eric Schulte <> writes:

> I understand that this particular use case is confusing, however there
> are competing use cases and the case described here is not the most
> common.
> Take for example the following.
>     #+name: data
>     | header |
>     |--------|
>     | one    |
>     | two    |
>     |--------|
>     | three  |
>     #+BEGIN_SRC sh :var in=data
>       echo "$in"
>     #+END_SRC
>     #+RESULTS:
>     | header |
>     | one    |
>     | two    |
>     | three  |
> In fact, hlines are *not* preserved by default with regular code blocks.
> And in practice only emacs-lisp code blocks tend to create hlines
> themselves.  

I do realize this, and you are the expert, but the suggestion was that
hlines would not be stripped from the _output_ of a #+CALL, if they are
generated by the call, just like hlines are not stripped from the
_output_ of an evaluated block, or the _output_ of a post(), as
demonstrated in my earlier examples.

In your example hlines are stripped directly from the _input_.  The
manual also leads one to think that stripping is applied to the
_input_. Maybe this is too simplistic for expert taste, but that is what
it looks like to a casual user.

To put things in context while discussing this minor detail: thank you
for this very impressive system!

All the best,


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