Hi Malcom,

2013ko urriak 28an, "Cook, Malcolm"-ek idatzi zuen:
> Thomas, Suvayu, Aaron, Nick, Eric, Carsten, Phil, et al,
> Hi again!
> Can I re-open this thread to discuss two new issues I now experience with 
> emacs 24.3.1 and orgmode version 8.2.1 in the handling of svg => tex => pdf ?
> Here goes:
> 1) If the plot has text in it which contains a percent character (%),
> then we fail due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/857231

It sounds from
<https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/719320/comments/3> as though
inkscape makes a deliberate effort to support LaTeX markup in their
pdf+latex output.  So it’s not surprising that % is a problem.

It’s unfortunate from the perspective of having a single SVG file that
works in both HTML and LaTeX, but I don’t know if that is an argument
that will cut ice with them.  I don’t know what org can/should do to
patch around inkscape’s design decisions.

Certainly the svg LaTeX package could be patched to use inkscape’s pdf
export, instead of the pdf+latex one.  This would lose the nice fonts
that running the text through latex nets you, but get rid of the %

> 2) If the :file is in a sub-directory  (for example, `:file
> fig/mtcars.svg`), even though both ./fig/mtcars.pdf_tex  and
> ./fig/mtcars.pdf are created, the reference to the .pdf in the
> .pdf_tex  is not interpreted relative to the subdirectory, but rather
> to the parent, and so the .pdf is not found.

Have you looked at the \graphicspath macro from the graphics package?
<http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=graphicspath>.  You may
be able to get things to work by adding \graphicspath{{fig/}} (note the
double braces) to your document.  \setsvg{svgpath=fig/} from the svg
package may also/additionally be needed.


PS Maybe org should be generating the \includesvg command relative to
the graphicspath or svgpath – I’m not sure.  But let us know if setting
those variables works at all, and if so we can think about adding
support to org.

Aaron Ecay

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