Thomas, Suvayu, Aaron, Nick, Eric, Carsten, Phil, et al,

Hi again!

Can I re-open this thread to discuss two new issues I now experience with emacs 
24.3.1 and orgmode version 8.2.1 in the handling of svg => tex => pdf ?

Here goes:

1) If the plot has text in it which contains a percent character (%), then we 
fail due to

2) If the :file is in a sub-directory  (for example, `:file fig/mtcars.svg`), 
even though both ./fig/mtcars.pdf_tex  and ./fig/mtcars.pdf are created, the 
reference to the .pdf in the .pdf_tex  is not interpreted relative to the 
subdirectory, but rather to the parent, and so the .pdf is not found.

The workaround for (1) is to not use '%' as a label on my plots.

The workaround for (2) is to not put my figures in a './fig/' subdirectory.

I suppose the fix for (1) is to get the inkscape export 'fixed' to (optionally) 
escape the labels, and to take the option.  Thoughts?

I suppose the fix for (2) is somewhere in the org code.  Any takers?

Or, any other fixes suggested?



 >-----Original Message-----
 >[] On
 >Behalf Of Cook, Malcolm
 >Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 4:01 PM
 >To: 'Malcolm Cook'; ''; 'Nick Dokos'; 'Suvayu Ali'; 
 >'Eric Schulte'; 'Vincent Beffara'; 'Thomas S. Dye';
 >''; 'Charles Berry'; 'Aaron Ecay'
 >Subject: Re: [O] how to handle svg files when exporting orgmode to html and 
 >Thomas, Suvayu, Aaron, Nick, Eric, Carsten, Phil, et al,
 >Thanks for all your help.
 >I am now satisfied with approach for exporting images to inline html and 
 >inline latex=>pdf.
 >In my hands, the following code block will produce in-line images in html and 
 >be included in exported pdf.
 >#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{svg}
 >#+begin_src R :results  graphics output :exports both :file mtcars.svg
 >with(mtcars,plot(wt, mpg))
 >I am using:
 >      Emacs 24.3.1
 >      Suvayus orgmode export filter:
 >(defun my-svg-graphics (contents backend info)
 >  (when (eq backend 'latex)
 >  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`\\\\includegraphics.+\\({.+\.svg}\\)"
 >       "\\\\includesvg\1" contents))
 >(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-link-functions 'my-svg-graphics)
 >* svg latex package v1.0 2004/11/05
 > * customize the emacs variable `org-latex-pdf-process` to include
 >'--shell-escape' (following advice in
 >, which outlines some
 >other options)
 >* customize org-export-html-inline-image-extensions to include  "svg"
 > * upgrade to inkscape version 0.48.+ (which is more recent than our
 >centOS repos proffered, but, hey) since the --export-latex switch that
 >svg.sty depends upon is not implemented till this version
 >* upgrade org-mode version 8.0.7-377 built from git pull yesterday
 >I think I've covered all the pieces.
 >I have not explored how/whether any options passed to includegraphics are 
 >interpreted by includesvg.
 >Now, if I could get .svg images to display inline in my emacs buffer.  The 
 >following is not respected, at least in my hands.
 >      '(org-export-latex-inline-image-extensions (quote ("pdf" "jpeg" "jpg" 
 > "png" "ps" "eps" "svg")))
 >Any takers?
 >~ Malcolm
 > >-----Original Message-----
 > >From: 
 > >[] On
 > >Behalf Of Malcolm Cook
 > >Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 9:05 PM
 > >To: Malcolm Cook;; Nick Dokos
 > >Subject: Re: [O] how to handle svg files when exporting orgmode to html and 
 > >pdf?
 > >
 > >Aaron,
 > >
 > >Thanks for staying with me on this.
 > >
 > >I'm not sure what you're suggesting.
 > >
 > >Nonetheless, I just updated org from `git clone 
 > >git://`
 > >
 > >So, now I'm got org-version  release_8.0.7-377-gef2d47.dirty.
 > >
 > >Are you suggesting that  with this patch.svg created with exporting
 > >graphics :file should now display in the emacs buffer when I toggle
 > >display of inline images?  I wish they would.  They do not, despite my
 > >adding "svg" to org-export-latex-inline-image-extensions.
 > >
 > >Are you suggesting that such a .svg created by org code block would be
 > >appear in the pdf created when I export to latex -> pdf?  I wish that
 > >also... that's what I've been trying to accomplish.
 > >
 > >Thanks!,
 > >
 > >
 > >Malcolm
 > >
 > >
 > >PS - I see you are/were in PA in linguistics.   My first job after my
 > >masters in AI from U Mass was at CMU's psych dept as a lisp programmer
 > >for John Anderson's intelligent tutoring systems.  I then went on in
 > >computational linguistics a bit, working on a marcus parser based
 > >natural language processing system at wang labs.  Ages ago.  Now I'm
 > >in computational biology.  The one commonality through it all?  Emacs!
 > >--
 > >Malcolm Cook
 > >h - 913.642.5257
 > >c - 913.226.1542
 > >w - 816.926.4449
 > >
 > >
 > >On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Aaron Ecay <> wrote:
 > >> Hi Malcom,
 > >>
 > >> There is a patch that was added to the master branch of the org git
 > >> repository on Jul 27, which turns this from a link into a real inclusion
 > >> of the image.  So, it will only work as intended if you are using a git
 > >> checkout from after that date.
 > >>
 > >> My apologies, I should have made this more prominent in my earlier
 > >> mails.
 > >>
 > >> --
 > >> Aaron Ecay

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