>In case of difficulties like this, I produce the tex file (C-c C-e l l)
 >and then I process it by hand:
 > pdflatex --shell-escape foo.tex
 >Separates concerns nicely.

I will try your approach - thanks - I agree

 >> Sleuthing, I see the output .tex file includes the following lines:
 >> \usepackage{svg}
 >> ...
 >> \includegraphics[width=.9\linewidth]{mtcars.png}
 >> @@backend:\includesvg{mtcars}
 >This looks wrong. You probably want @@latex:\includesvg{mtcars}@@ in
 >your org file. In any case, the output in the tex file should be just
 >  \includesvg{mtcars}
 >Also, not sure how the \includegraphics is produced (are you evaluating a
 >source block?) 


> but it should probably not be there, otherwise you are
 >going to get two images in your PDF.

I was going to conditionally suppress it depending on value of ox-backend.....

If I can get this whole gamish to work for me at all....



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