On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Peter Neilson <neil...@windstream.net>wrote:
> 1. Non-video presentations for beginners. Some of us are (for one reason > or another) badly set up to use video. Perhaps our network connection is > slow, or our system is flaky and crashes with video. Or perhaps we only > have five or ten minutes at a time to study. Or perhaps we are mostly > trying to learn from hard copy we've printed out. A few of us might even be > blind. > Any chance of an MP4 version of Carsten's Google Tech talk being produced and uploaded to a public place, with a wget-able URL? It would be trivial to add to this tutorial - or to some other - the code to download it and to make mplayer play it from given positions... http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-videos-intro.html http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-audiovideo-intro.html and integrating into Org the feature described there - namely: with a certain minor mode activated `M-p' opens the current default video at the first time offset of the current line - should be little more than a 10-line hack... Btw, that would make indices of time offsets in videos like the one in http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-screencasts/org-mode-google-tech-talk.html http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-screencasts/org-mode-google-tech-talk.org.html trivial to execute. I don't have (yet) the skills to make things like =1:23= become active links that do that in Org, though. Cheers, Eduardo Ochs eduardoo...@gmail.com http://angg.twu.net/#eev edrx at freenode.org (at #eev, #org-mode, etc)